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JUNE 21, 2010

          This month of the Sacred Heart had two high points for Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy: a spiritual high point, the enthronement and consecration of the school to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and an academic high point, the first graduations.

          A competitive spirit reigned in preparation for the school’s first Jog-a-thon, to be held on the afternoon of Corpus Christi, June 3. Although the fifth and sixth grade class already had victory clearly in the bag, there was still competition to see who could raise the most, and of course who could run the most laps of 1/8 of a mile. After the morning’s High Mass, the students were scheduled to run at two different times, the grade school students first, and then the boys in grades 7 - 12 afterwards. However, as the grade school students set out it started to rain, then to rain more heavily, until the thunder and lightning and torrential downpour entirely saturated everybody. The rain had, however, stopped by the time that the older boys set out to make their run, and so they were able to clock up a higher number of laps, as many as 55 for the leader. We thank God for the success of this fundraiser, and for the efforts that many of our students (not all) put into finding sponsors.

jog a thon
wet teacher and joggers

Running the jog-a-thon on Thursday June 3 in the pouring rain.
Here are the younger children, enjoying themselves as they
come back to home base to pick up the elastic bands they
receive at the end of every lap.

Drying off after the jog-a-thon.
Here one of the saturated teachers can be seen with some of her students in the classroom after their saturating jog-a-thon.

          Just the day before the novena in preparation for the consecration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy had begun. Students and faculty recited  this novena, that the graces of the consecration might abound in the school, especially the practical commitment to the Kingship of Christ by the practice of the virtues of truthfulness, patience, kindness, thoughtfulness and charity - virtues that do not come naturally to youth. Meanwhile the school prepared to attend the solemn procession for the Sunday after Corpus Christi, which was celebrated by Father Wegner at Holy Face of Jesus chapel in Saint Catharines, followed by a long public procession through the streets of the city, including three Benedictions of the Blessed Sacrament. The boys had the honour of serving this ceremony.

          On Friday June 11, feast of the Sacred Heart, a High Mass was celebrated, attended by the entire school. Meanwhile a support for a large statue of the Sacred Heart had been erected in the school’s main hallway. After Mass the entire school, including parents and friends, processed from the chapel to the location of the enthronement. The statue was then placed permanent in the place of honour and the school began the recitation of the prayers of consecration to the Sacred Heart. Afterwards, during the singing of hymns to the Sacred Heart, all students, faculty, parents and friends signed the certificate of enthronement, then framed and placed on the wall as a perpetual reminder of the consecration. Hereafter the students will recite every day the brief formulary renewing the consecration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

          It was just a few days later, on Tuesday June 15, that the first graduation ceremony took place. The faculty was busy at the last moment obtaining the graduation gowns and certificates, the honour roll and excellence pins, the t-shirts and sweat shirts with the school’s name and emblem especially designed for the occasion.

Grade 12 graduate receives diploma
graduation speech

Father Scott presents the certificate of completion
of studies to the first 12th grade graduate from
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy.

One of the eighth grade graduates
gives his speech of appreciation
after having received his diploma.

          The evening ceremony began with the singing of the Votive Mass of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in thanksgiving for all the graces of the past year. After brief refreshments, everybody headed for the gymnasium for the commencement ceremonies. After the principal’s address, came the awarding of the certificates of graduation. The first was given to the one 12th grader, who after two years spent at Our Lady of Mount Carmel has now completed his 12th grade studies. Next came the presentation of the certificates of graduation from eighth grade for our four students who completed their grade school. The two boys will continue on into the high school next year. Then finally came the awarding of the five certificates of graduation from Kindergarten.

kindergarten diploma
Grade eight graduates

One of the Kindergarten graduates receives
his certificate of completion of Kindergarten
from Father Scott, as Father May looks on.

A view of the four 8th grade graduates
after the ceremonies in the school gymnasium on June 16.

          The chief amongst the prizes was the 2009-2010 Honour Roll. Only three students qualified for this, and were presented with their certificates and excellency pins. In addition, special awards were given for exceptional performance in History and in Athletics, and for Consistency in all studies.Finally the three students who had perfect attendance were honored also for their efforts. The spirit of celebration was also encouraged by the availability of the 2009-2010 Year Book for Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy, available for $20, having a photographic record of the major events in the school year.

T-shirt sales
Two of the seventh grade boys try their hand as salesmen,
selling the new school tee-shirts and sweat shirts
with the Our Lady of Mount Carmel emblem,
and the 2009-2010 year book.

          Wednesday June 16 was the final day of school for the year, and was not wasted. Every class had tests or exams, and then much cleaning and organizing had to be done. The countdown was a joyful one, as at 3:30 p.m. the students headed off for their vacations, or for several of them down to the priestly ordinations at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, MN.

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